Time flies

I can’t belive how much time has pasted since my original post! I guess I’m just not used to using this yet. Not only has spring sprung, but summer is on its way. The weather has been unseasonably warm, with not as many April showers as we might have expected. Our dragon cousins arrived a while back and it is nice to see them, even if they occasionally disturb the peace with their battle training.

I’m afraid not much is happening aside from that. My parents seem to be acting a bit strange, but I’m sure it’s nothing. We just do odd little things when it’s our turn, like checking up on the livestock and so on. This is why the post is rather small. Plus I need to pay attention to my newest Chi-Chi, I have four now and this new one is a trouble maker.

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Not much has happened these first weeks of the year. As winter starts to leave and the days get longer I feel the suns warmth gradually grow stronger on my face. Though my species does not hibernate during the winter we have been in our home for quite a while and our food supply is low. So me and my parents have been checking on the local herds and other food sources to see now they have lasted through the winter (and we have some mess to clear out if you catch my meaning). In deep winter it is simply easier for us not venture outside, so we store up food in our home. Not too much is needed, on average we are only inside for a month or so.

But I digress, you know nothing about me. My name is Elzera. I am one of three kinds of dragons that inhabit our world. I believe that many of you would know my kind as ‘eastern dragons’. I’ve always that that was an odd name as we live everywhere in our world, not just in the east. The same goes for the dragons that you would know as ‘western dragons’, they live everywhere too. ‘Western dragons’ are four legged, scaled, have a pair of wings and good breath abilities and fighting skills with a mild use of magic. The third kind of dragon you would probably call a wyvern. They also have scales but have two back legs and their front arms are joined to their wings. They are the strongest of the three with extreme fighting skills and breath powers, however, they are unable to use magic.

Anyway, back to me and my kind. As an ‘eastern dragon’ I have a long body with four legs, no wings, though I can still fly and fur rather than scales. Me and my kind are not that physically strong but we have great skills in magic. My fur is mostly white, but I have a light blue chest, light blue crest and light blue tuft at the tip of my tail. I’m a female so I lack the whiskers that males have. These whiskers grow longer as the dragon gets older. I hope now you have some idea of what I look like. We manage time the same way you do, days are 24 hours, 12 months in a year and so on, so when I say I’m 16 years old, I am the same age as a 16 year old human. I know that with some animals like dogs you age them in human years and dog years.

Well I think that should do for now. I’ve written quite a lot for my first real post. I know that to begin with not many people will read these, but hopefully more people will gradually come and have a read. I’m not really sure how frequent these posts will be. We’ll see how life goes, but until then, goodbye!

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Some say that seeing is believing. But belief is defined as an opinion or conviction in something, and so just because something can’t be seen, doesn’t mean you can’t believe in it. For example, wind itself can’t be seen. We see how it causes things to move and feel it blow past us, but we can’t physically see it. Yet no one has ever doubted what it is. We even know what causes it and can use it to provide energy.

You may want to keep the above paragraph in mind as you read about me, a young dragon just living her life. Because after all, it’s your opinion.

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